Monday, January 30, 2006

A New Do

There comes a time in every young man's life when he must gather up his courage and face... "the scissors". Liam's time came at 9 months of age, with hair reaching the bottom of his earlobes. A few tears were shed, but with a steady dose of sweet potato veggie puffs, Liam bravely sat through snip after snip.

At right, Liam is seen sporting a lovely blue marine life cape and sitting comfortably on Daddy's lap. He's a tough man to read, but I think his expression says, "Mom, you had best be passing me another sweet potato puff promptly."

Here we see Liam adjusting to his hair trimming experience. Gwen, the stylist, has been cutting Logan's hair since he was a baby, and she won me over early on with her knack for moving quickly. She spends just enough time on distraction, but she knows that the best way to keep a baby happy is to hurry up and get the job done!

"Hey, that's not too shabby!"

Wow! What a difference!

Logan was in dire need of a haircut too. Here's a look at his transformation...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A New View

Twice during the past week Liam pulled himself to a stand while in the bathtub. (Don't worry all you grandparents ~ he was promptly placed back on his hiney.) Now somebody needs to take a guess at how long it will be before he's pulling up on other things around the house. I'll activate the stopwatch...

Logan is taking after his father and is playing a lot of board games lately. His favorites are Zingo (a picture bingo game) and Dora Candy Land, but a number of other games get plenty of playing time too. We have even been playing some more advanced games with him (Ingenious ~ a game that involves matching tiles in a manner similar to dominoes) and he has fun even if he doesn't understand all the finer points of the game. Good sportsmanship has been coming a little more naturally lately too.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Current Stats

The boys had their 4-year-old and 9-month-old check-ups this morning. As suspected, they are growing.

Logan: 36 pounds, 6 ounces (75th percentile), 41.5 inches (75th percentile)
Liam: 19 pounds, 15 ounces (50th percentile), 29 inches (75th percentile)

Tub Time

Liam loves to take a bath. From the moment he hears the tub filling with water, his eyes light up and his feet start kicking. BATHTIME!

Once in the tub, Liam grabs whatever toy is in reach and gets busy playing. It used to be that whenever a toy was out of reach, he would start splashing about wildly which would in turn create a bit of a current to send a toy sloshing his way. (Smart, eh?) Now he's figured out that he can crawl in the water just like on dry land, so toys are never out of reach.

Liam's newest bathtime achievement is pulling up to his knees on the side of the tub and grinning at us over the edge. It's adorable.

See, I told you!

Logan provides lots of entertainment for his little brother too.

Towel time after the bath is almost as much fun as the bath itself. Sometimes even more so. Take a look at this little camera ham...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Childryn of ze Night

Is it just me, or are Liam's new top teeth beginning to look just a wee bit...pointy? Oh sure, they're nubs now, but in a few more months who knows. All that teeth scritching and grinding he's been doing lately? Maybe it's sharpening.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Do You Know Where Your Superness Is?

Logan and I got to enjoy some "mommy-son time" with a few friends on Wednesday night at Sesame Street Live. Super Grover had lost his superness, but he found it again after a few lessons in healthy eating, exercise, rest, good dental habits, and proper hygiene. Logan was excited to see Grover, Ernie, Bert, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar, Elmo and many other Sesame Street friends. All of the flashing lights and characters dancing and singing made for quite an entertaining performance!

Logan asked me at the conclusion of every song and dance number if the show was over - with obvious concern that the fun was ending. When the show actually WAS over, Logan cried, so I guess that says something about what a good time he had.

Jason got a full report upon our return, and Logan told him that his favorite part was watching Super Grover fall down when his superness was still missing. I know that he also got a kick out of being involved during the audience participation segments (answering questions posed by the characters, clapping and stomping as directed during a cheer, etc.) and watching the song and dance numbers. He was on the edge of his seat with his eyes peeled the whole time!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Christmas in January

Somehow we've managed to go an entire month without pulling any of the Christmas pictures off the camera, so a little revisiting seems to be in order. Plus, this blog didn't exist at Christmas.

Liam's first Christmas was probably more exciting for him than Logan's was, since Logan was all of 11 days old. He certainly got more out of the presents.

Logan had a good time as always. He and Jack managed to put out almost as many disasters as they created. Okay, not really.

I used to think that so many pictures of Logan were blurry because I just wasn't that good a photographer. I've since come to realize it has more to do with the fact that he rarely stops moving. So this next photo is, by its very nature, quite an accomplishment.

Overall it was a great holiday, and the only bad thing is that now we have five months until the next holiday, and that's only a three day weekend. In the meantime, feel free to come visit, see the boys, play games, and give Jill an excuse to make more brownies. (Ha, like she needs one.)

Besides, who can resist this?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Always Thinking

Logan is quite a clever little fellow. Here's an example...

M'Amy and Grampa Phil were visiting this weekend, and we were all outside playing. Logan said that he wanted to play Hide and Seek, but I suggested Simon Says instead. After a moment of brief consideration, Logan agreed and said that he would be Simon. Here's what happened:

Logan: Simon says 'Make a T'
We all stretch our arms out to make a T

Logan: Simon says 'Blow like the wind'
We all mimic Logan and act like we're being blown about in the wind

Logan: Simon says 'Blow like a leaf really fast'
We all twirl around quickly as demonstrated by Logan

Logan: Simon says 'Play Hide and Seek'
We all burst out laughing in astonishment at the quick-thinking of our 4-year-old smartypants

The wheels are definitely turning. I think we'll have our work cut out for us in the years ahead!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Liam Makes His Cobapple Debut!

So it's been awhile since we've even made an attempt at reviving our updates to Cobapple. So long, in fact, that we now have two boys to keep up with. This means double the milestones, double the photos, and double the antics, but hopefully not double the trouble.

As you can see, Liam has started working on a fine set of choppers. What you can't see is that since this picture was taken he has added four teeth on top for a total of 6. With teeth on top and on the bottom, one can make some "lovely" grinding noises, and Liam makes it a point to practice this daily.

Liam frequently finds something to giggle about when big brother Logan is around. Currently, he finds it hilarious watching Logan demonstrate the "rinse and spit" portion of his nightly toothbrushing. And who wouldn't?

Cobapple 2: The Cobapple Strikes Back

So I'm experimenting with using BlogSpot to host our photos and such of the boys, since self-publishing a webpage was getting to be a little too much of a hassle. Hopefully Jill will get on board here before too long and we'll be able to get this back up and running. Not having to do all of the behind-the-scenes HTML work should hopefully keep this updated much more frequently than usual, and by "usual" of course I mean "not at all".

Mood Music