Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Frosty Friend

Thanks to the snow we got last weekend, Logan and Jason built a pretty cute snowman on Sunday. Liam...well, first he didn't want to put his coat on, and then he wouldn't keep his mittens on either. So he just posed for pictures for a few minutes before heading back indoors for a nap.

Frosty and Friends
Luv My Daddy
Logan and Frosty

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Broken Limbs

But fortunately not ours! Just our trees. We had a pretty hefty ice storm a couple of weekends ago that took care of our pear tree in the front yard. Here's a look at the damage. Jason's parents came out last weekend with a chainsaw, and now you can actually see OUR HOUSE! I don't have any pictures of the front of the house since the tree was removed, but we'll post one soon.
Front Yard


Mood Music