Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Boys of ... Well, Not Quite Summer

It's a really nice spring day today, so the boys and I went outside for a little recreation. Logan is into making complicated games of tag and hide-and-seek that involve video game characters and cartoon characters and typically change every 15-20 seconds. Liam, on the other hand, is all about the sports. I think he'd probably sit out there for hours hitting a baseball over and over. This afternoon he spent a good 20 minutes hitting off the tee and yelling "Hey! Good hit!" to himself. He also likes place-kicking a little mini-football. He's very particular - half the time he'll stop me and say "No! Turn it awound! Like dis!"

Working on the Blog

Obviously the winter theme is no longer applicable, so we're working on finding a new, "springier" template for Cobapple. It's harder than it sounds, so there might be quite a few changes over the next couple of weeks. I'm guessing that most of you don't care much as long as the pictures and stories keep coming. We'll work on it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

We Now Return to our Regularly Scheduled...

Holy cow - over a month since the last update. Sorry about that. We've been tied up with other stuff - illness, vacation prep, triathlon training, you name it. We haven't even emptied the camera since January. Hopefully we'll have time in the next few weeks to get things back on track. We also need to get out of the winter theme, even if it does still feel like winter. In the meantime, here's an Easter pic and a couple of story bits.

Logan's been cooped up inside a lot, partly because of lingering illness and partly because we've had freak cold weather for the last week. Jill and I were playing a game of Monopoly Jr. with him this afternoon and when I took away one of his pieces, he started whining about losing the game. We told him that's just how it goes, and to be a good sport. A few minutes later he did the exact same thing to me, except he did a little happy dance with a bit of "nyah nyah". I asked him why it was not fair when I did it, but he was happy when he did it.

He was quiet for a bit and I thought maybe he was actually thinking it through, but then he came back with "because I'm winning".

Liam's been talking up a storm lately - one of his new phrases that we think is hilarious is "I like it." As in "I like it - cookies." Tonight as we were making dinner he pulled the kiddie potty around to the pantry (it doubles as a footstool somehow) and started rooting through the food. He came out with a box of macaroni and cheese and said "Mommy! Uh roni cheese!" We were having pizza instead, so he had to content himself with walking around with a box of Kraft macaroni going "I like it - roni cheese..."

Mood Music