Monday, November 12, 2007

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

Liam's picked up a few new bedtime habits lately. Apparently Jill started giving him a couple of books to read in bed during naptime, which he seems to peruse for awhile before going to sleep. Now he's been asking for a couple of books at bedtime as well, so I throw a couple in. I warn him I'm going to turn the lights off, and he's always fine with that.

Until, of course, I actually turn the lights off. Then he shouts "Hey! I can't see where I'm going!"


I have no idea where this other one comes from. Every so often, after Liam's been in bed for a bit he'll call down for me in the familiar litany: "Dad...Dad...Dad...Dad..." On and on. I'll go up to his room and ask what he wants, and sometimes it's just to utter a bit of wisdom.


"What, Liam?"

"When it's time to go, it's time to go."

"Uhh, okay. Thanks, buddy. Goodnight."


I'm convinced that 30 years from now this will prove to be a crucial fact that will resurface like a cliched movie flashback, to save my life in the midst of some ill-advised derring-do. I'll call up Liam and say "You know son, you were right. When it's time to go, it IS time to go." And he'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I Like Popcorn

Today, Liam made a little ear of indian corn as a craft during Mother's Day Out. They used different kinds of flavored popcorn to decorate, and it was just so cute! Liam was very excited to show it to me, and when I buckled him into his carseat, he asked if he could hold it.  Sure, why not. I handed him the paper, and we headed home.  

So we're driving along and I hear Liam say, "I like popcorn."  Hmmmm... 

"Liam, you're not eating the popcorn, are you?"

"Mmm hmm"

I can't really blame him.  I like popcorn too.  

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Who's Ready to ROCK?

I picked up the new Guitar Hero 3 game this past Friday after trading in a bunch of old games, thus clearing out some clutter and making Jill happy too. Everybody wins! Liam and Logan have always liked dancing around when we play the game (mostly because I tend to crank the volume), but now Liam wants in on the action. Time to shred!

Side note: for those of you reading this who own a Wii (hint hint) the new Rock Band game is releasing on Nov 20th. Right in time for Thanksgiving!

Edit - Okay, I was wrong. A Wii version of the game hasn't been announced yet, other than to say the chances of it are "absolutely". Guess somebody needs to buy me an XBox 360...

Mood Music