Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update on the Pandemic

For those of you who weren't aware, Logan shared his influenza with the rest of us last week and Jill and I had a rough few days. Tuesday a week ago I went to work to help with a major Boeing-U.S. Navy meeting, left work with a headache at about 10am, and by 4pm felt like I'd been hit by a truck. My temperature went from 97.8 (I took it in the morning before I left for work, just to be sure) to 103.4 within the span of about 12 hours. Jill had approximately the same experience. I was off work for most of the week, and both of us are still a little weary from the ordeal. But, we're mostly better. Except for Liam, he seems to be bent on keeping the sounds of coughing ringing throughout our house for awhile yet. That's about it, though - it isn't slowing him down like it did us.

In other news, it continues to be dreary and wintery. Jill and I are both sick of it, and I predict massive improvement of mood and outlook once the sun and 60-degree spring temps finally roll around.


Liam's had a few good one liners lately, just a few things I've tucked away for a post footnote like this:

After I dind't shave one weekend, Liam asked me "Dad, why do you have whiskers like a tiger?" Seriously, it had only been a weekend.

Last Sunday morning he wanted to know "When is Grandma Sue coming to drink coffee?"

The other day - and I don't recall exactly what was said - but he had a comment that definitely included the phrase "I want to go make babies". Jill and I just looked at each other with expressions combining "Did he just-" and "What the?" then burst out laughing. But kind of nervously.


Also, this is the 100th post on Cobapple. For as long as we've been doing it, it ought to be higher than that. I bet you were expecting some sort of gala bash. Alas.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Round of Applause and A Round of Antibiotics

First, for the round of applause...

Logan had an incredibly successful day at his elementary school's Knowledge-A-Thon PTO fundraiser! The students were given a list of 100 grade level-appropriate questions to study for several weeks, and family and friends made pledges for each correct answer. The event took place on Friday, and Logan answered ALL 100 QUESTIONS correctly (as well as 3 bonus questions)! Way to go, Logan!  And thanks to all who supported Logan with donations to his school!  

And now about those antibiotics... 

I took Logan to the pediatrician this morning because he has been coughing and running a fever the past two days. (Pneumonia was the obvious suspect...but he's never run a fever with it before.) The diagnosis was pneumonia AND influenza. Antibiotics are underway, and we are more anxious than ever to proceed with the pulmonologist evaluation next month. (This makes 5 episodes of pneumonia since last April...I thought they were a little closer together than that, but that's plenty close enough!)

How sad that I was posting about antibiotics for Logan exactly one month ago today, and here we are again.  This kid deserves a break!  

By the way, Liam's eye continues to improve.  One more week ought to do the trick.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So it's been fairly quiet lately, which Liam decided to rectify the other night by introducing his skull to the coffee table. Table, skull. Skull, table. Nice to meet you.

I'm not sure exactly what happened - well, that's not true. He slammed his face into the coffee table. That's pretty much it. There was some sort of mischief with hopping around and some unstable footing, but the actual head-smacking was blindingly obvious. His eye swelled up quite a bit, and he did a lot of hollering. Typical head injury stuff.

Unfortunately Liam, although performing this stunt a mere 3 feet in front of me, managed to pull it off in a record 0.4 seconds, thus preventing me from doing anything about it. See, they learn this stuff when trying to get away with things, and sometimes it backfires on them. Live and learn.

The frozen compress was applied, and he calmed down. We didn't take any pictures of the swollen eye (regrettably), but here's what he looks like three days later:

Alright, get your namby-pamby cringing and gasping out of the way, cause there sure wasn't any of that around here. That's MY boy. Next morning, he was right back in the saddle, baby. Did a little swollen eye slow him down? Slight lack of vision, tender bruising? Not that little guy. He ain't taking no SMACK from no COFFEE TABLE.

Well, he sort of did take a smack from it. But you know what I mean.

Anyway, he's fine. Jill called the pediatrician as soon as it happened and they said "ice it, he'll be fine." And he is.

The coffee table is on notice, though.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Logan Update

Just wanted everyone to know that Logan will be seeing a pulmonologist next month (3/13) to do a little detective work regarding his chronic pneumonia.  We are lucky that the doctor we were referred to has opened up a new office in West County, so we don't have to drive all the way downtown to St. Louis Children's Hospital for the evaluation.  Yay!  


We enjoyed one of our favorite cold weather meals tonight: chicken pot pie, or as Liam calls it "chicken pot-pot pie".  I don't know the reason for the extra "pot", but it sure is cute to hear him say it!

Mood Music