Wednesday, May 28, 2008


OK, this will only be funny to Bon Jovi fans, but I had to share.

In anticipation of the concert I recently attended, I listened to a fair amount of Bon Jovi music. Logan and Liam always particularly enjoyed Living on a Prayer for its "rock" quality, so it got a lot of air time in the van. Little did I know, they were memorizing the lyrics...sort of.

I overheard both boys singing separately this morning...

Logan's version

"Shake my hand, and we'll make it I swear.
OoooOH! Bring it on, Claire!"

Liam's version:

"Take my hand, and we'll make it out of squirrel.
OoooOH! Make it out of squirrel!"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hanging Out With Friends

Our Tennessee friends (Matt, Shelly, Joel, and Amanda) came to visit us this weekend! With the culmination of Matt's ENT residency in a few short weeks and a move to Kansas in the works, they have been very busy! We are so happy they could spend a couple of days with us before they made their way to Kansas to close on their new home. We spent Saturday morning playing outside: bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and baseball!

Logan drawing a bubble

Joel Patrol

Joel gleefully showering Logan with bubbles

A grin from Liam

Ready at the plate

Run, Logan, Run!

Batter Liam

"Lil Slugger"

The kids played well together, and the grown-ups had fun playing board games and chatting. Here are a few more photos from the weekend. Best of luck in your new home, dear friends!

Matt and Jason catching up


More Amanda

Matt, Amanda & Shelly

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Blog Protest

Isn't this a cute picture? Want to see more like it? Then put your comment at the end of this message and join me in a petition demanding fresh posts from my fellow bloggers. I won't name names, because they know who they are (cough coughLISA...ahem, ahemLESLIE ~ I love you guys.)

With you, dear friends and family, we can and WILL see action on neglected blogs.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Leslie!

"Have A Nice Day!"

Mood Music