Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

The other day Logan drew the most beautiful picture. It was completely unprompted...just drawn on a piece of recycled scratch paper. But I found it to capture the gratitude I feel during this season just perfectly.

Thank you, God, for your abundant love!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fun Flashback

My aunt has "tagged" me. I was instructed to open my 6th picture file, post the 6th picture from that file on our blog, and share the details with you!

So here you are...it's January 2006. Liam is getting a haircut, and my photography skills aren't that great. Here's the photo:
What a handsome little fellow. But look at that somber expression. He seems like such a contemplative, serious guy. And yet, if I'd been asked to share picture number 5, you would have gotten this:

Let's just say that Liam has a complex personality.

Now I get to tag 5 others...On the Seen, Maren, Kristine, Tiffanie, Barlands...you're IT!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Halloween 2008

Have you ever been so far behind in something that you just don't know how to start catching up? That pretty much sums up how I feel about Cobapple right now.

Here are some Halloween pictures. That's just one tiny piece of life that hasn't yet been captured on our blog in the past few weeks, but it's something.

Mood Music