No, this isn't the story of the time Andy and I crashed that billionaire's ball at that nightclub on the Amalfi Coast (although - heh heh - that was awesome). No, it's time for Logan and Liam to go to school!
Liam's first day of kindergarten and Logan's first day of third grade. They've both been fairly excited this week, although Liam probably moreso. Logan knows what he's in for.
They have new backpacks and new lunchboxes, which Jill outfitted with some sweet nametags so they don't have to mark them up. (I give that maybe one more year before it's too dorky and Logan refuses to use it.)
Liam has the same kindergarten teacher that Logan did (Mrs. Bertino), and she was a great teacher for him. Nice to have Liam in good hands. We're anxiously awaiting news of how the first day went!