Thursday, May 26, 2011

Roll Call!

This one's for you, Grandma Soup.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Almost Ready for the Jungles of Borneo

Logan graduated to the next level of scouting, the Webelos level. Officially, he is no longer a Cub Scout.

So far, most of the scouting activities in Cub Scouts have been pretty group-oriented, and not very outdoorsy. A lot of crafts, a lot of discussions about helping out the family, being a good students, that sort of thing. In Webelos they are supposed to move on to more individual activities that focus more on personal development and skill-building. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts to the changes and whether his interest continues. So far, though, he's been a good member of his Scout den and seems to enjoy it.

Congrats to Logan!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Our Garage Door Has Never Been Happier

The Fisher-Price basketball goal has been relegated to the basement, thanks to installation of this baby:

Part of Liam's birthday presents, thanks to Grandma Sue and Papa Jerry. Liam was a little skeptical at first, mostly because he can't get very excited about anything that doesn't have the words "Nintendo" or "XBox" on it somewhere. Within 90 seconds of the goal being officially approved for play, his verdict was a little different: "Dad, this basketball goal is AWESOME!!"

I am ashamed to say that Jill won the inaugural game of HORSE.

The Notification

We awoke one recent morning to find this taped to the inside of our bedroom door:

In Liam's defense, he's been having some issues and we DID ask him to let us know when he goes. I admire his adherence to the letter of the law.

Mood Music