Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Liam Pulls Up to a Stand!

Over President's Day weekend, Liam pulled himself to a stand on the train table, and he's been steadily improving this new skill ever since! He is now capable of pulling up on low-level tables, chairs, couches, my legs...if it's sturdy and within reach, it's fair game.

Liam put his new skill to good use yesterday by pulling up on Logan's computer table and standing at the keyboard. He subsequently began tapping away until lo and behold, a Sesame Street computer game appeared before him on the screen. Needless to say, he was quite pleased with himself.

I also wanted to mention that my mom (aka M'Amy) taught Liam how to play Pat-A-Cake when she was last in town. He claps ("pat it") and makes a subtle rolling motion ("roll it") by clasping his hands and rocking them back and forth (and then he gives a really big grin). It's very cute, and he tells me when he wants me to play by clapping his hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great stories! Love, M'Amy

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