Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Having a Ball

Last week, we enjoyed an unofficial summertime kick-off when the Barlands came to visit us in St. Charles. Cousins Jack (4), Logan (4), Alex (almost 2), and Liam (1) had a blast at the St. Louis Zoo, a bubbles and sidewalk chalk session at the library, a local playground, The Magic House Children's Museum, and Grant's Farm. They also spent some time in our subdivision pool and in the sprinkler in our backyard. Fun, fun, and more FUN!

Only a couple of activities are captured in these photos (and Liam tends to be the featured subject just 'cause he was so darn cute at The Magic House). I suspect you may find more pictures on the Barland blog before too long.


Anonymous said...

Does Liam enjoy his independence just a liitle bit?

joeks said...

Those faces! Liam's AND Logan's--love 'em!!!

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