Well, a week ago I posed several sayings from Son #2, and apparently they were all stumpers as nobody posted any guesses. Since I'm sure this has been tormenting all of you for the past seven days, here at last I can set your minds at ease.
Here's what Liams' been saying:
1. "Eh? Cah." - this is Liam's way of saying "car". He precedes nearly every word with "eh?" or "uh?", although Jill thinks this might be how he says "I want".
2. "Eh? Emmo." - suspiciously close to "Elmo", but he's actually asking for milk.
3. "Bah" - numbers three through five are all similar, and tough to differentiate in spelling. This is "ball"
4. "Baaa" - this is "sheep"
5. "BAAAAAAAHHH!!!" - this is "Bath?! Did you say bath!!? BAAATHH!!!"
6. "Huck." - this is "I'm stuck" or "some part of me is stuck". Not to be confused with "hock", which is sock.
7. "Pua pua." - this is apparently the sound Logan makes when he spits after brushing his teeth, so this is now the word for "brush teeth".
8. "Hapa." - Liam likes to pull the zipper of his pajamas way down and walk around like some 70's disco king. "Hapa" is zipper.
9. "Juuuu." - this is originally how he says "juice", but sometimes it's just a catchall word for "drink, please".
10. "nnn -click- " - this is (seriously) how Liam says "Logan". He says "nnn" and then sort of clucks his tongue.
11. "Buh." - one of Liam's first words, "banana".
12. "Cheryo." - Jill thinks "cherya" might be closer, but either way we know he's asking for cereal.
13. "Haht." - At some point Jill taught Liam that dinner was oftentimes "hot", and he started calling all meals "hot". As in, "hey, I'm hungry, how about some hot?"
14. "Hafwafa." or "Hafafa." - this is hard to spell, because Liam's pronuniciation of this is really growly and gutteral. Either way, he's asking for a "hot waffle".
15. "Pfoof." - one of Liam's favorite foods, "fish" (i.e. Goldfish crackers).
16. "Cooooo!" - for awhile Liam was walking around calling everything "cool".
17. "Uh? UP!" - this one was pretty obvious. Up in your arms, up in your lap, up on the couch, up on the chair, wherever he needs to get up to he knows how to do it.
So there you go. Next time you see Liam, try talking to him in his own tongue. Just don't be surprised if he corrects your grammar.
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