Monday, March 05, 2007

The Tuna are Taking Over

The game Logan came up with today for the ride to preschool was the scintillating "Which is Bigger?", in which we both name animals and then decide which is bigger. After an argument - I mean discussion - about whether a shark is bigger than an octopus, and Logan's explanation of how" a giraffe is TALLER than a hippo, so it's like 20 pounds and a hippo is only 2 or 3 or 4", the animal he came up with was a tuna.

He wanted to know how big a tuna was, and I told him they get pretty big - about 4 feet long, which is bigger than he is.

"Dad?" he replied. "Do people eat tuna from the ocean? Does it go to a factory?"

"Yeah, they catch tuna, then send them to a factory to be cut up and turned into food that we eat," I said.

"Well Dad, I don't think I like tuna from the ocean, I just like tuna that comes from CANS," he declared.

"Logan, the tuna that you get out of a can came from tuna from the ocean. It's the same tuna," I explained.

His response: "WHAT!? Tuna are EVERYWHERE!"


Anonymous said...

I hope you're printing off these recaps of your conversations with Logan and keeping them somewhere safe - they're priceless and a HOOT!

Anonymous said...

I want to ride to school with you guys so I can hear some of these conversations in person! They are a riot!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Keep those stories coming! M'Amy and Grandpa Phil

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