Tuesday, May 01, 2007

On the Road to Chefitude

For dinner last night we really didn't have any ideas, and when that happens I often turn to the old staple of homemade pizza. Logan and Liam both really like it, Jill likes it, I like it, what's not to like? The boys wanted to help with the pizza last night, in Logan's words, "to make it go faster." Ah, irony. Anyway, Liam had a pretty good time helping roll out the dough, even if he really only rolled a 2-inch wide strip of the dough, and then tried to poke holes in it. I think he probably would have enjoyed playing with it more than actually eating it. He certainly seems to be having fun. Thankfully I didn't show them how to stretch the dough by tossing it in the air. That would have been...interesting.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Another chef in the making, definitely!

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