Logan's new teacher is Ms. Hill, and his good friend Bryce is in his class. He has the honor(?) of having a second floor classroom (almost directly above his kindergarten room). Oh! And this year, as an older, more responsible first grader, he has the privilege of checking out not one, but TWO library books each week.
When Logan came home today, he told me that EVERYONE in his class stayed on "green" today. (Think classroom behavior management in the form of a stoplight. Green = good!) What a nice bunch of kids Ms. Hill must have!
Logan also said that he thought he was going to like first grade for the whole year. I think that's a pretty good indication of the type of day he had. At least, I hope it's an indication of the type of day he had, because I wasn't able to extract any further details about the day. Wait, I take that back...I also learned that they didn't do math.
So there you have it, folks! There's no denying it. We have a bona fide first grader in our midst. Look at that face...you know he's ready to tackle some new challenges. Bring it on, First Grade!
Have a great year, Logan!
Are you sure he's not heading for college instead of first grade? How grown up he looks!!
Hope you'll enjoy first grade, Logan! We know you'll do well!!
Awww, look at that cute face! I can't believe he's already in First Grade! Then again, so is Gage and it's very hard to believe.
We don't start back until Aug. 25th, so we still have a month for playing!!
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