I've been thinking about ways to improve the frequency and content of this blog, since it appears you all are still coming here fairly frequently and we're not really doing much. It also happens that we just got a new camera, a Nikon D40, thanks to Circuit City's bankruptcy and a sweet 30% off sale. So I'm excited about exploring photography a little more in-depth, now that I have a DSLR camera that is quite a bit better than what we've been shooting with.
I'm also exploring my options for photo editing, since a lot of good photography these days is made in post-processing. The perfect opportunity to use that lies in the thousands and thousands of photos we've shot over the last 7-8 years and hardly touched because we shoot a LOT of photos, dump them on the hard drive, and then forget about them. So what I'm envisioning for the rest of the year is a combination of old, retouched photos that you may not have seen, plus new photos from the new camera. Hopefully I can start to expand my photography skills and get away from the old standard bad-lighting, poor-focus, indoor snapshots of the boys.
To get things kicked off, here are a couple of photos I took of Liam painting over the weekend. I converted them to black and white to tone down a lot of the clashing colors in his pajamas, and to bring out the shape of his paintings instead of the primary colors. I also experimented with a different shooting angle. What do you think?
Cool beans.
I like the different angle - makes for a really cool picture!
I think I'm looking forward to seeing many great photos here!
I love the photos Jason. I'm hoping your projects inspire Jeremy and I to do the same. Our blog has also been seriously neglected. Keep 'em coming!
I think black and white--or perhaps it's the angle--makes Liam look too tall and skinny! He can't ever lose his cheeks, you know. Of course, he IS just about 4--at least you're having another one. I'll just have to get my baby-fill from her/him. Ho hum. . .
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