Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Liam is FOUR!

In honor of our sweet little boy's fourth birthday, here are four of my favorite pictures of him (and you realize that it is an impossible task to select only four pictures, but I did it somehow).

And I'll include a couple of great recent comments from Liam as well:

Mom, when I grow up, I’m going to be a football player. And when I next grow up, I’m going to be a baseball player. And when I third grow up, I’m going to be a soccer player.

Wow! How many times are you going to grow up?


* * * * *

Mom, when Dad took us to get donuts, I got a Papa John Long with sprinkles, and Logan got a Papa John Long with sprinkles.

Happy Birthday, Liam! We love you!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Liam!

Anonymous said...

Awww, he's such an angel! Look at that face!

Happy Birthday Liam!

Mood Music