For Halloween this year I was expecting more Star Wars or super heroes, so Logan surprised me when he said he wanted to be Robin Hood. I think it must have come from a recent bout of repeated viewings of the Disney Robin Hood movie, which was a favorite of mine when I was a kid as well.
Jill and I decided this would be pretty easy. It's easy to imagine making a lot of the costume out of fabric and felt, and I've already got the archery equipment. But then I decided I needed to make him a sword, and things started to get serious after a long morning fashioning that with Dad's help back in KC.
What followed was a bow and quiver full of arrows, a shirt and tunic, hat with feather, a scabbard for said sword, a couple of belts and straps, and some cool-looking but ultimately non-functional leather bracers. The end result was pretty good, if I do say so myself.
The Thursday before Halloween Logan's Scout Pack held their monthly meeting, complete with costume parade and judging. It was broken up by Scout rank, but Logan managed to win one of the costume prizes for the Wolf Scouts. I consider that redemption somewhat from January's Pinewood Derby fiasco.
Liam decided he wanted to be Robin. As in Batman's side-kick. Hmmm. Jill, in a brilliant bit if diversionary shopping, convinced him to be a knight instead.
This was great, because now we had Robin Hood and a medieval knight. What do you get when you mix those? Why, swordfights, of course!
Meyer's still a bit young for the candy, but he made a pretty cute monkey. Even if he did spend most of the trick-or-treating fast asleep.
All the boys had a great Halloween, despite the fact that we seemed to have very little time to prepare for it. Hopefully that's not a sign of the even busier times to come for the rest of the holidays.
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