Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Rocketeers

Finally, FINALLY, the weather has been a)warm and b)sunny enough to get outside with the camera and do some shooting. The boys and I spent a good portion of yesterday outside braving the wind to have some fun with Logan's rocket launch pad. Thanks to the Lennings for this entirely awesome birthday present for Logan, with which we were able to clear the huge locust tree in the back. You step/stomp/sit heavily on a rubber airbag to send the rocket skyward, and the boys had great fun trying to jump on it as hard as they could and see how high the rockets would go. With a little more space and a little less restraint, I'm thinking that FAA or NASA notification may be needed for future flights.

At any rate, the photos turned out fairly well. I've been experimenting with fast f-stops and fairly shallow depths of field, mostly because it tends to blur and de-emphasize the backgrounds which, let's face it, tend to be a lot of subdivision goings-on which aren't always the best backdrop. Unfortunately, using a fast f-stop with auto-focus means that the thing you're trying to get sharp and in-focus isn't always what the camera thinks, so sometimes I get a shot of a fuzzy Liam and a nice, crisp sidewalk in the background. I need to get a little better with the manual focus, I think.

Those fuzzy white blobs in this shot are actually very close and out-of-focus flower petals from the pear trees in the yard.

I think that at some point I'm probably just going to have to take the camera outside with the manual and a couple of hours to kill and work through all of the options. It's a vast improvement over our last camera but I know that I'm still not getting the full potential out of it.


Eric Lenning said...

Glad the gift was a hit and the weather is warmer. However, you are starting to sound an awful lot like Eric with the camera stuff! Have fun.

Sherry said...

OOPS! I forgot we were logged in on Eric's account when I posted the last comment. Sorry.

Jason said...

And here I thought Eric had progressed to referring to himself in the 3rd person.

Tiffanie Hage said...

Love the pic of Liam in the first shot up close...too cute! :)

Jill said...

That's actually Logan! The angle and expression make him look younger, I think.

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