Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Logan 10.0

A decade of holiday cheer, that's what we've had from Logan's birthdays. They do tend to get swallowed up a bit by the holidays, but we try to make birthdays at least somewhat special.

Logan only had a couple of presents to open this year on his birthday, since most of his gifts were received the weekend prior. He still got some nice surprises:

Everything he ever wanted to know about hockey - thanks Jan and Kathy

And an iPod Touch, a.k.a. "In Which Logan Will Spend All His Money In the AppStore"

Just for nostalgia's sake, here's Logan over 8 years ago. Hard to remember what it was like to just have one of them. He's a little younger than Meyer is now in this video, but it's remarkable how similar they are. Enjoy!

Mood Music