Monday, February 27, 2006

Don't Say That...

Logan, being the (mostly) honest guy that he is, comes up with some interesting thoughts from time to time:

- While playing with my tape measure, and holding it up to me:
"Daddy, your shoulders are 16 pounds long. Your back is...5 pounds long. Whoa! Your bottom is SIXTY POUNDS LONG!"

- While I was playing Guitar Hero over the weekend:
"Daddy, are you gonna rock again?"

"Yeah, why, don't you want me to?"

"No, I don't WANT you to rock again. Mommy does it better I think, actually."


Friday, February 17, 2006

Grow Your Own Gamer

So, I'm sure it's quite clear by now that I'm a pretty huge gamer. PC games, console games, and now even board games - they're all good. The first two are easily accessible, but board games present a problem in that you need someone to play with. Jill's occasionally up for a game now and then, especially when others are present, but let's face it - she's not quite up to the same let's-go-for-six-hours-straight level of obsession (or derangement) that I am. So what am I to do?

Grow my own gaming buddies, and I'm off to a good start with Logan. He's been set up for computer games for awhile now, after we got his own computer installed and even connected to the internet. He's got a few CD-ROM games that he plays, but for the most part he surfs out to and plays a whole slew of online games. (If that's not an argument for getting grandparents online, I don't know what is - "c'mon, even a four year old can do it.") Lately, he's been getting into his board and card games too. Some of them are the much-maligned (among boardgame hobbyists) Candyland and Chutes and Ladders, but he also plays Chicken Cha Cha Cha and, at the moment, is nuts about Hearts. He doesn't care that Hearts is a fundamentally difficult game to play with only two, and I admit watching him sort through his massive hand of 26 cards is rather amusing. He also misses out on a few of the finer points of the game, like the fact that he really shouldn't tell people what is and isn't in his hand. Still, he has been known to win a game or two, and by far his favorite part of the game is to "trick a heart on you". Of course, he'll as often yell out "trick a heart on me, Daddy!" so I'm not sure he really gets the point of the game, even though he knows that getting hearts is bad. I guess he's just doing it for fun. Which is sort of the whole point anyway.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors

So, you all might have noticed that we haven't exactly been plentiful with the photos lately. In fact, hardly a word written in two weeks. As luck would have it, Logan and I have been a tad under the weather lately, and as cute as our faces are, I'm not sure even you want to see them puffy eyed and smeared with snot. So, in order to spare you any more than the lovely image now dancing through your minds, we've taken a brief hiatus to allow for the healing process. Rest assured that once the illnesses subside we'll be back in action and more adorable than ever.

-Liam (as dictated to Jason, because Liam can't type. Yet.)

Mood Music