Friday, May 19, 2006

First Words and More

Liam is really starting to talk! Just before he turned one, he began to say "uh-oh". At that time, it sounded more like "aw-oh" with both syllables run together. Now we hear a much more definitive "uh-oh", and we hear it with GREAT frequency. (Liam enjoys dropping things.)

Jason and I have heard an occasional "mama" and "dada", and in the past few days, Liam has also begun to say "ball" (bah!).

Lately, one of Liam's favorite things to do is bat any kind of ball around on the floor and chase after it on his hands and knees. (This is a sight to see, because Liam ducks his head and wags it back and forth...must increase his momentum somehow.) He also enjoys "practice walking" with his riding tractor, a birthday gift from the Barlands.

Many of you have witnessed a "hello" wave from Liam on recent visits. The gesture involves alternately clenching and opening his hand with his arm fully extended, and most of the time Liam will throw in a great big smile to boot.

Liam is giggling a lot when we encourage him to take steps while holding onto our hands, so I think he's starting to sense that there's a new kind of freedom coming his way. He's not quite brave enough to go there yet though...pretty soon I'm sure he'll change his mind.

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