Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back in the US of A

Sorry for the petering out there at the end of the trip. We were promised broadband internet at our hotel in Venice, but when we got there - no internet. We were told that they "hadn't put it in yet". Well, not in the rooms at least. It was in the brochure.

Venice was nice, although I think we were both a little tired of traveling, and as such our impressions of Venice may have been soured a bit. We both wondered what we would have thought of it had we gone there first instead of last. Alas, we shall never know. At any rate, we were able to see the Doge's Palace (which was pretty cool), St. Mark's Basilica (which is more commercial and less tourist-friendly than any of the others we saw), and we took a trip out to Murano to see all the fancy glass they make there.

One last day back in Rome gave us the chance to see the Roman Forum ruins again, as well as the inside of the Pantheon. It was a pretty tame day, and I think we were both ready to head home.

I'll try to get a few more vacation pictures up soon, now that we're back in the land of cable modems. Soon after I'm sure we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming. We already have a few new pictures of the boys that need to go up.

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