Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Liam!

Liam turned three today, starting off with a nice breakfast in his ball gym.

For his birthday he got a new Batman big wheel trike and a basketball goal (not pictured). He was pretty excited about them and hopefully will be able to ride the big wheel a little better than the tiny little fire truck he rides now.

He had a bunch of friends over this evening for hot dogs and Scooby-Doo cake (on Scooby-Doo plates, with Scooby-Doo napkins, followed by Scooby-Doo party favors...sensing a theme?), and everyone had a good time.

He's quite excited about having his Batman and Spider-Man cake tomorrow. We have no idea why he thinks he's going to get a Batman and Spider-Man cake tomorrow. Hopefully he won't be too disappointed.

Anyway, in Liams' words: "Happy Birthday!"


Chuck said...

Happy birthday little dude!

joeks said...

Give an extra hug to the birthday boy for us!

Grampa Phil said...

happy birthday, Liam! Sorry I am late. I have been in Orlando.

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday Liam!! Ethan and Nate are sad they couldn't attend your party, but happy they could see your pictures. The big wheel trike looks like a lot of fun. Ethan is really happy you're three now too!!

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