Well, school has officially started. We've all been having a grand old time this summer, as is evidenced by having no time at all to do any blogging. Too busy, people!! Logan and Liam started 4th and 1st grade yesterday, and Meyer once again rules the house during the day.
We had a great time over 4th of July, with family coming out to St. Charles instead of us going back to KC. A bit more crowded packing everyone into our house, but the thing is...fireworks are completely legal here. We had an awesome time (and probably spent a bit too much money) managing OPERATION: SHOCK AND AWE - HOME EDITION over the course of two nights. Sadly, it paled in comparison to what our neighborhood does firework-wise on the actual 4th of July. Crazy.
They also do a neighborhood "parade", consisting of one fire truck and all the neighborhood kids riding along behind it. The kids had fun, though, especially when the firetruck turned its water cannon on them.
Logan went to his first-ever overnight Scout camp this year, although he wasn't too crazy about the lodging. They slept in official Boy Scout pup tents, probably issued sometime around 1953. During the day they got to swim, hike, go to the BB gun and archery range, and generally run around and play and act like kids. It was fun, although a huge storm prompted about half the kids to bail after one night. Ah well.
Here's Logan at the firing range, in the middle.
We had a couple of visits to KC, including one to drop off Logan and Liam for a week with their cousins. That gave us time to focus on Meyer, who honestly didn't miss his brothers at all. At least not for several days. Even then, it was more like "hey, where are they anyway? Not that I care much. Hey, what are you eating? That looks pretty good, let me try some..."
Our annual camping trip was not to be, alas, thanks to the Midwest trying to rival Venus for "Hottest Solar System Vacation Spots 2011". INstead we drove up to Chicago to visit the Lennings, and had a great time anyway. We still got to get out for some fishing, and Liam actually caught a bass, although I didn't get a photo of it. I was off taking Logan to the bathroom. Thanks, Logan's bladder.
We'll get some First Day of School pics up soon.