Monday, January 09, 2012

D-E-R-B-Y. What's that spell? Snacks!

The Pinewood Derby is two weeks away, and the boys (it's plural now) are working on their cars. Logan has a sweet Batmobile in the works, and Liam has been creating the automobile version of the Pokemon Snivey. It's working out quite well, actually.

Liam was pretty excited to be making his car this year. He wanted to get right down in the workshop, and he was very fastidious about us always wearing our "sawdust glasses".

I asked Logan what he remembered from last year's Derby. He said "What, you mean like what snacks they had? Airheads, hot dogs, popcorn. I think a couple years ago they even had hamburgers!"

I admit, I didn't see that coming.

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